Coral Conservation projects in the Caribbean with Dive Mentor for college students, teens, and adults.



If you’re looking to apply to our Divemaster Internship, please click on the button and use the Enrollment Form. Since space is limited, it’s important that you provide us with as much information as possible to allow us to make an informed decision as to your suitability for the program. Please complete every section where possible, including uploading copies of your highest current certification card if you are already a diver. If you do not have details in a given section, include a note explaining why a section was left incomplete. Incomplete applications will be DENIED. While we would love to accommodate all applicants, we regret we are unable to do so. Your application will be reviewed as quickly as possible, but this can take several weeks. For that reason, we encourage you to apply early. You will need to download, print, sign, and return our Non Disclosure Form (NDA) before we can notify you of our decision by email. This form is provided to you when you submit your application. Please check your spam or promotions box to ensure you do not miss any communications from us.